FROM BRIANNA: Time Flies, Celebrating Our 3rd Birthday!
Written By: Brianna Arps
There's less 100 days left in 2024. But before we jump into 2025, it's time to celebrate another major milestone: MOODEAUX's 3rd birthday!
Yes, we've been operating for three whole years and building for a total of six. YAY! Some folks might recall my origin story from beauty/fashion/lifestyle editor to "accidental" entrepreneur. However, to quickly recap, let's just say the best thing that could've happened to 23-24 year-old-me was being laid off from my dream job.
While it took me a second to shake off the unemployment blues and regain my footing in life, I knew deep down inside I was uniquely qualified and that MOODEAUX could and work...somehow. Fast forward to now and look at all of we've accomplished!
To be honest, I've been saying "we" wellllll before I had a single client...or even a team. Just sheer determination mixed with some boldfaced delusion LOL. Memories for days, I tell ya! Good, bad, beautiful, ugly. Wouldn't change a thing. I hope my guardian angels, Mr. Roy Lee Brown and Mrs. Minnie Lee Brown, to whom MOODEAUX is dedicated, are proud. I am.
Recently, someone I really respect asked me (as our Founder and CEO) to spend some time alone and in deep, critical reflection about what I'd like for MOODEAUX’s next decade+ to include. I haven't quite yet! Instead, I thought to list out almost everything that's happened first (check out the Instagram post embed above) — from the wee beginning in 2018 to now in 2024 (stuff I'm able to share, that is). What a rollercoaster ride!!! I survived so much with you all by my side supporting as our beloved MOODIES.
As we turn the page together, I'm just so incredibly excited about the new team members who've joined HQ, our warehouse space expansion, everything we're currently working on and so forth! Thank y'all from the bottom of my heart, for loving on MOODEAUX like you do...stay tuned. xXBA