"This Black-owned fragrance brand is here to disrupt the industry."


Since you've landed on this page, it's only right we start by saying thanks! With a world full of options, our small (but mighty) team is excited to have your attention and the opportunity to enhance the way you experience fragrance. Truth be told, MOODEAUX® was dreamt into existence by a rebellious, curious mind quite like yours who wondered, "What if scent and skin care could actually work together???" Finally, after years of asking questions, we've arrived. *tears* 


Made for the unapologetically outspoken rebel inside us all, MOODEAUX® believes self-expression is the best self-care. That's why our indie fragrance label helps you accessorize your mood through distinct, award-winning eau de parfums backed by science. Ditching tradition, founder Brianna Arps set out in October 2021 to introduce a new standard: longer-lasting, skin-nurturing, earth-friendly blends that give subpar scents, questionable ingredients and wasteful packaging the side eye.


Since then, MOODEAUX® has launched nationwide at clean beauty store Credo — pioneering as the first Black-owned perfume brand to hit shelves — appeared on the TODAY show and partnered with Sephora through the retailer's renowned Accelerate Program among other milestones. The biggest accomplishment we've had, however, is backing underrepresented entrepreneurs by way of our philanthropic arm Black In Fragrance™.


Black In Fragrance™ is building a global support network among industry professionals, consumers, buyers and media outlets, each who pledge to help level the playing field for Black perfumers. As its founding label, MOODEAUX® leads the effort, providing peer mentorship, community resources and occasional microgrants.




*Proud Member of The Fragrance Foundation and the Independent Beauty Association (IBA)*


2023 Hypebae Beauty Awards "Emerging Brand" Winner

2023 Hypebae Beauty Awards "Best Fragrance" Winner

2023 Black Ambition Prize Winner

2023 Harper's Bazaar Fragrance Awards Winner

2023 BeautyMatter NEXT Grant Recipient

2023 Glossier Grant Program for Black-Owned Beauty Brands Winner 

2023 Sephora Accelerate Program Brand 

2023 ESSENCE Best in Black Beauty Award Winner, Beauty Boss of the Year

2022 iOne Digital x Melanin Awards Winner

2022 ELLE Future of Beauty Award Winner

2022 St. Louis Arch Grants Competition Winner

Goldman-Sachs Inaugural One Million Black Women: Black In Business Cohort

Tower28 Beauty x 2021 Clean Beauty Summer School Finalist

New Voices Foundation x Pull Up For Change x ESSENCE Grant Winner

Pepper 2021 Startup Grant for Black Women Finalist